Contemporary Artists / di Redazione -

Andrzej Dragan

The photographer Andrzej Dragan offers us a new vision of our myths. The characters of the international pop couture are in fact presented in a new guise. Wrinkles and gray…

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Design / di Redazione -

BMW iPedelec concept bike

BMW has launched a new concept bike in line with the production of automobiles i3 presented last year. This new bike is equipped with an electric motor and can be…

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Must See Exhibitions / di Redazione -

Food/Corp al MUSA di Pietrasanta

Food/Corp è un progetto collaborativo e a lungo termine che Kunstverein (Milano) in collaborazione con Lungomare di Bozen-Bolzano stanno realizzando. Attraverso le pratiche artistiche contemporanee FOOD/CORP vuole indagare il rapporto…

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